GERSTEL has for many years developed and produced chromatography sample preparation technologies that eliminate or significantly reduce the use of organic solvents. Examples are stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE, GERSTEL Twister), dynamic headspace, thermal desorption, automated solid-phase extraction (SPE) and autosamplers that enable μ-scale liquid sample preparation. Such technologies benefit the external environment and also the laboratory environment, leading to improvements in occupational hygiene and in the quality of results.

Analytical laboratories in all branches of science and industry throughout the world use our products for a wide range of interesting applications.
These include:

  • Flavor and fragrance
    Flavors, fragrances, odors and off-odors.
  • Automotive
    Material emissions in car interiors
  • Semiconductor and Electronics
    Emissions from materials used in production, ensuring product quality.
  • Forensic science and criminology
    Revealing fire accelerants and forged documents as well as drug levels and alcohol in body liquids. 
  • Food 
    Determining levels of food toxins including mycotoxins and phycotoxins as well as pesticides and drugs used in animal farming. 
    Testing packaging materials for solvent migration. 
    Identifying off-odors and their sources.
  • Pharmaceutical
    Monitoring Organic Volatile Impurities (OVI) in drugs. 
    Testing packaging materials for leaching. 
    Identifying off-odors and their sources.
  • Chemicals and polymers 
    Basic research, quality control and industrial hygiene.
    Determination of additives; emissions; migration studies; pyrolysis
  • Environmental
    Air, water, sludge and soil analysis.

For detailed information: