SEM has been established in 1989 by 5 friends as partners in İstanbul. Founders were very well trained and experienced on the sophisticated laboratory instruments technically with a very strong background in marketing and sales. Chromatography instruments, as being the exclusive agent of Agilent Life Science & Chemical Analysis Group (formerly Hewlett-Packard) for Turkey since 1989.
SEM LAB appointed Agilent (HP) distributor for Turkey.
Altium established to participate in Turkish Government tenders.
Ege Analiz established to provide contract laboratory services.
HPST established to replace former Agilent subsidiary covering Czech Republic.
Perlan established to replace former Agilent subsidiary covering Poland.
The company SEM ENDUSTRI CIHAZLARI was established as a new company for General Laboratory Instruments
The companies DEMETER and POMONA were established in 2006 as the agricultural companies within SEM Group. Together, the companies do have lands in Söke, Izmir where 500 tons of cherries are produced annually from 32.600 trees.
SEM AZ is established to distribute Agilent products in Azerbaijan.
AlphaChrom established to replace failing former distributor covering Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Kosovo.
Agilent Technologies acquired Dako in 2012.
Jasem A.S. is established for Food and Clinical Analysis Kit Development.
Labicom a Czech Republic company acquired
Labstore Poland, Labstore Turkey has been established
SEM ENERGY was established in 2014. The company produces renewable energy.
SEM TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT & CONSULTING was established in 2014. The company acts as a venture capital firm focuses highly on new tech firms and investments.
Asolutic was established as a new company for General Laboratory Instruments business in Croatia.
ECS Lab is established for growth in General Laboratory Instruments & Chemistry business in İzmir, Turkey.
SEM Endustry company name has been changed to SEM BIO.
The foundations of a building were laid in 2012, headquarter of complete the construction by the 1st Quarter of 2016. Sem Group operates from our new building in Atasehir.
Extend operation in Romania.
Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia joined DSP Chromatography Scientific Group companies operating as Agilent Distributor
SEM is member of a ALTIUM Group
SEM, HPST, Agilrom, DSP, AlphaChrom, Perlan companies have merged under the roof of ALTIUM.
Our justified pride is that SEM, which is the starting point of all these companies, has evolved into a new structure with nearly 500 employees in 11 countries as of today. As Altium Group Companies, we continue our global journey with firm steps.
We have changed our company’s name from Sem Laboratuvar Cihazları A.Ş. to Altium International Laboratuvar Cihazları A.Ş.
Our new company name, Altium International Laboratuvar Cihazlar A.Ş.., reflects our vision for the future. It represents our commitment to innovation, excellence, and customer satisfaction. We believe that this change will further strengthen our position in the market while preserving the core values of “Trust, Respect, Development, and Sharing” that form the foundation of our company. We are confident that we will continue to progress in line with our goals while maintaining our commitment to growth.
Altium International Laboratuvar Cihazları A.Ş.